A good camera D60 digital slr body

I have the D60 for about 2 weeks and am very happy: they make is well made, great pictures (with me, the manual mode to "new challenges" does). There is an endless supply of accessories for every purpose and in every price range (macro, micro-photography, telephoto, wide angle, Festbrennweitenobjektive, converters, remote controls, lightning, ...), so that would be long-term care for "entertainment".

Wirklich toll is also the VR Image Stabilization Lens: With the 18-55 Objektiv so you can make with a shutter speed of 1 / 10 and a reasonably steady hand, sharp images even without a tripod. Especially with the extensive repertoire of ISO values also succeed in spite of miserable lighting conditions, great pictures.

I had read before purchase that the camera has a relatively big problems in color reproduction under lights and was willing to look the problem in the eye and to buy the camera anyway. So far, I could not find these problems, however, in the practical handling of the camera: At least for my "ambitious amateur eyes," Artificial light also see pictures of absolutely ok (and worlds better than my previous digital camera) off.

The active D-lighting, as a small "real-time HDR", proves to be subtle but useful: In light situations can be seen on the resulting image into otherwise strongly underexposed areas considerably more, though they still remain dark (ie: not be completely cleared up). This extends to the subjective impression of an image to improve significantly. (Active D-Lighting, however, puts the number of possible continuous shooting down somewhat, depending on other settings to about 5-8.)

As you can see the D60 is in the design - as well as the D40/D40x - considerably smaller than the D80 and has eg ) instead of two rotating wheels for aperture and shutter speed is only one (for an initial exposure time. I do not think too bad, because you can easily reach over (some programmable) keys in conjunction with the wheel all the important functions. Since I travel a lot, I find that even very small size suitcase-friendly!

So far so good: Great camera.

But it also has its limits (otherwise it would probably also in another price category located) on the one must be aware and here I find so many product somewhat unclear.

As the largest reduction when compared to larger models, such as the D80, I would be the 3 - rather than for example 9 or 11 - Auto-focus spot sizes see. By limiting to 3, you can just choose only between a focusing in the middle or the right or left of center. Additional points in a row above and below would not be bad! Of course, you can focus on worst-case scenario is still manual, but the fast and highly accurate auto focus also has its advantages ...

Speaking of auto focus: The restriction on reading the most common one is that only AF-S (and I) lenses useful (to the camera as well as on the D40 and D40x) can operate. Since I have no "old" lenses and bring even now, the first affordable SIGMA and TAMRON lenses with AF-motor on the market, this restriction does not scratch me personally.

I am not sure how things stand at D80 but the D60 needs either a separate control unit (= 250 euros) or an SB-800 flash to control for external flashes wirelessly - that I had trusted to her so ...

Legal sad and unnecessary, I think the lack of opportunity for exposure bracketing, which is only manually (= relatively slow and can only stand in the exact same Perseptive produce), especially since it is a pure software seems to matter.

Overall I would say that you get the money for a really good, handy camera, definitely known to me any "normal" digital slr body camera, for example, superior in terms of image quality, and is also for "real camera" feels and sounds. But we can expect in terms of functionality only minor miracle ...

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