Digital slr body - Time For A Canon Digital Rebel XT Upgrade?

So you had your Canon Digital Rebel XT for a little 'and you start to get a little' camera envy. To keep Nikon, Canon and its competitors release new models with more bells and whistles. Which naturally leads to think about how much better your photos with the latest technologies. I can not say that the fault is, as it happens, the best of us. Just for the sake of it, lets look at a couple of upgrade options you can consider for your Rebel XT.One is the Canon EOS 5D, which is considerably more expensive, but includes a variety of functions, the XT does not. Keep it in the family, Canon, offers a look at the Canon EOS 40D. The 40D is more or less in the price midway between the XT and the 5D, but with some advantages and disadvantages to consider.

For the sake of argument, we can expect a typical proprietary Digital Rebel, and shoot a wide range of subjects. Family portraits, sports, landscape, nature, familyTravel, holidays and images.

A place to think, in your upgrade process will ask why you want to upgrade. It's the speed? In this case, the Canon 40D has a faster frame rates-per-second rating. 6 fps for the 40D, while the 5D shoots at 3 frames per second. As for the picture quality? The 5D has a nice sweet, full-frame sensor. Full-frame sensor cameras will result in better image quality, wide angle photos, and more suitable for cultivation during the processingTrial.

Your existing inventory of lenses is a consideration. Have, depending on the lens, which can be better with a camera on another job. It 'fairly typical of many owners of Rebel XT EF-S have. These lenses simply do not work with the 5D, but to work with the EOS 40D. If your maintenance of the Digital Rebel, and not my mind slower, the 5D is still a worthy opponent. I have heard from several photographers to have that toodifferent cameras for different situations. When you think of this diversity, the Canon 5D is probably the best choice.

Of course, it is difficult to upgrade a camera, without a discussion of the issue price at the door. The Canon 5D is a bit 'less than twice the price of the EOS 40D. It is necessary, though perhaps it is better to go for the cheaper 40D miracle, and throw the rest of your family in some good glass (photo) geek speak for the lens. Many argue that spending your money onlenses of large size and a good camera body is the best way to get value for your money. Rather subjective, of course, depends on how you like to shoot.

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