Digital slr body - 20 Tips for beginners to becoming better photographers

How do I become a better photographer

1) get a decent digital SLR body. A user with a lower megapixel model can also be better than, say, more megapixel Canon 30DS are easier to use and versatile, even if their number is less than the megapixel Canon Rebel XSi.

2) obtain a "quick" 50-mm lens, something with an opening of at least f 1.8. Zoom kit lenses are terrible for beginners.

3) a decent flash with an off-camera syncCable so that the resumption with a camera flash

4) use and learn Adobe Photoshop, if not the full version then Photoshop Elements

5) shoot camera and the flash manually. This trend, the information exposure of the camera. It fixes the problem if you do not return the pictures, which, as you will.

6) Open images in Photoshop Pictures trial in 100% accuracy for your attention

7) Study metadata of images. If something works, why not, if not thisHere you can learn from their mistakes.

8) take on the many online photo sites like,,, bookmarks

9) You can find a professional guide

10) are modest about your abilities

11) willing to share what you know, without boasting

12) in competitions

13) Invest in good equipment to the professional level, particularly Lenses

14) Visual Studio Publications

15) to keep a notebook of your clippingFavorite

16) When shooting digitally we learn the advantages and disadvantages of the operating system

17) to study and pay attention to light in the natural world

18) hold seminars and courses

19) You have the camera with you at any time

20) Take pictures a day.

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