The anatomy of a digital SLR

To learn more, and the camera, the first step is always better to take better pictures. DSLRs have many similarities with the conventional film SLR, or for that matter, a camera.

The target consists of one or more optical components in glass and plastic / ceramic. This is where the light is trapped and collected at a point of focus in the camera. From the main camera lens is removed and replaced many different lenses foranother.

The ad is in the field for one. So you can see what the camera sees, to compose and edit to suit your images and other features (for example) the assessment of depth of field.

The opening is the opening inside the lens that you can adjust the size so that the light is more or less able to penetrate into the camera. Each lens has a different key, which you can customize.

The shutter controls how long light is allowed throughthrough the lens. The shutter is in the camera.

A light sensitive component that captures light through the lens opening for the duration of the shutter speed allows authorized. There are film cameras or digital cameras, you have the sensors.

Finally, you have the means to store the scanned image, which is to use the distance from the camera. For film cameras, is the film itself. DigitalDigital cameras, memory cards are used to store information.

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