Decision: After the same time, the new Canon EOS 500D and Nikon D5000 have come on the market, I have tested both models at a photo shop. If the picture quality I could find no relevant differences. The situation is different in feel. The Canon looks like cardboard, at least as far as the weight (with lens). Although it is quite stable processes, but there is simply nothing in his hand. Unlike the Nikon, it makes a relatively valent impression. This is due to the higher weight, and partly to the slightly textured surface. By that I selected the weight of the Nikon lens is around 1.3 kg.
The operation is a matter of taste. I think you can handle, after some familiarization with both cameras. The menu functions of the Nikon, but I liked much better. Despite the enormous variety of functions Nikon has managed to develop a clear and well-structured menu.
Topic Finder: The Canon has a minimally larger viewfinder, which is an advantage. The Nikon is to show a grid when needed, which in turn is an advantage for the D5000. In addition, the Nikon has a 11 point focus, which can also be advantageous in certain situations. The brightness of the viewfinder, I find sufficient, even at night in unlit areas, I'm easily cope with that. The representation of the focal points of the Nikon provides automatic, red with black and bright subject on dark themes.
Speed: The value for the shutter lag in my opinion is academic in nature. What counts is the practice. I have never owned such a fast camera. It is even possible under normal lighting conditions from a movement out of immediately pressing the shutter button to focus and be triggered almost immediately and the image is sharp.
Topic Screen: While the Canon at an extremely high resolution, it offers but inflexible monitor, is the panel of the Nikon rotating and swiveling, but less well resolved. Nevertheless, the 230,000-points range from loose. Since I like taking pictures from unusual perspectives, I am more sympathetic solution to the pivot. In addition, the sensitive screen on the swivel solution during transport is protected always optimal.
After I had decided on the Nikon, I have flirted briefly with the D90 the same manufacturer. The price difference is small. Because almost identical technical data I have because of the swivel screen, but then opted for the D5000. Anyone who places no value on these, however, should perhaps would rather get the D90. This offers a much larger viewfinder and features along with some additional control elements also display a shoulder.
The lens: After I was able to cover with my bridge a focal length range of 28 - 400 mm, I wanted a similar lens for my new Nikon. In various forums, etc. After I was able to obtain some opinions, I opted for the expensive solution: Original bildstabilisiertes NX VR Nikkor lens with focal length 18 - 200 mm (approx. 800 euros). Due to magnification factor of 1.5, this corresponds to the D5000 a focal length of 27 - 300 mm, ie wide angle to super telephoto. Available as a kit with a price advantage.
Of the image quality of this lens, I am very pleasantly surprised. I knew that here I must make compromises, but all the more surprised me, the achievable quality. Perhaps this is because that the D5000 recognizes the-camera lens and out of distortion, etc. counts (feature must be activated). Particularly surprised me, however, the macro capability! The minimum focusing distance cm is indicated at 50. That's true, but only in the wide angle. In the maximum telephoto, the minimum focusing distance is about 20 cm! Thus one can small objects, such as for example Watches and requires no additional map format-macro lens.
The picture quality is beyond any doubt. The images are sharp and detailed. The color accuracy is impressive. The D5000 produces images that correspond to what I've seen live. Luminance values are worked out fine. High contrasts are easily reproduced. This has not least, the Nikon's exclusive Active D-Lighting at.
Noise performance: good result of relatively large sensor size at a moderate number of megapixels (that Nikon is not taking part the Megapixelwahn) is expected above average, and according to various tests, especially at high sensitivities better than the Canon EOS 500D is also good. Shots with ISO 3200, depending on the motive still quite usable, and in no way comparable to images from a compact camera.
What is now the great advantage over a high bridge? First, there is the much faster focusing on the viewfinder. Now I can also fast moving subjects (like birds in flight), photograph, something with a compact camera is almost impossible. There is, secondly, the excellent noise performance at high ISO sensitivities. Indoor lighting without flash here are really no longer a problem. And of course the much higher color resolution! The Nikon distinguishes the finest nuances (eg, leaves of trees), where is my camera, only more or less uniform green produced.
LiveView: Although I was naturally accustomed to from my compact camera, now I primarily use the viewfinder. Advantage: Much clearer picture and much faster and more reliable focusing. I actually use the LiveView mode only if I am at unusual angles (from the ground or overhead photograph).
The battery life is excellent. Although the D5000 does not have a shoulder display, but this is an ad with the most important parameters integrated in the viewfinder. This allows the camera without a monitor (use with the screen folded down) and check. Advantage: Even longer battery life and no smearing of the monitor.
So much for the positive things. What is negative? Actually, not much. The service is sometimes not so optimal, because for many settings, the menu must strive. Becoming more professional cameras offer here just a few more buttons. While this makes the housing haptically and visually a very good impression, but might still be a little more stable. My body creaks and something gives way to the front page. Another D5000, which I have later seen from your dealer does not have this defect.
What I miss? The automatic focus control through maximum zoom on the screen after tripping. It offers almost every compact camera, why not the D5000? So you have to manually zoom into the displayed image more complicated. Maybe that goes to a future firmware update.
New entrants in the D-SLR segment, I recommend that devote themselves to the camera. It may take a while before we get optimal results. Users of the automatic system with a compact camera are far better served. The potential of the D5000 displays only if one chooses the right situation-specific parameters. The functionality is so gigantic that you absolutely must play a few days with the camera in order to really know everything and control it.
In the video function, I shall not go into here - because it absolutely does not interest me.
Conclusion: The Nikon D5000 is a highly recommendable D-SLR, which has picked up by image quality and features much of her professional sister models. Even if you are as advertised, a beginner's camera is really no longer. This is due to the price, well above the entry-level D-SLR's is located. Second, the large range of functions and the complex operation, which could overwhelm some beginners. Technically, the D5000 is above the initial segment. Basically, it is the D5000 is a newly packaged D90, with some advantages and disadvantages to this model.
After 2 months of using my D5000 came a fall of 5 meters to the victims. I Have now bought the Nikon D90 with the same lens. Now I can indecisive prospects who can not decide between the two models share some experiences:
Benefits of the D90 compared to D5000:
+ Better feel and solid processing + Worlds to better display (920,000 pixels) + Shoulder-touch display and additional + Much larger and better viewfinder + More professional Special Features + Slightly better noise performance + Better and faster handling + Longer battery life
Disadvantages compared to the D5000:
- Lack of automatic Distortion (I miss) - A little heavier and slightly larger (not everyone is a disadvantage) - Display information for newcomers less understandable
My suggestion: bring more photographic experience of the prospective customer, the more likely he will be happy with the D90. The more inexperienced newcomer will be better able to make friends with the D5000, the user guide offers a lot of support. I personally benefit especially from the much larger and more powerful the viewfinder of the D90. The folding screen, I strangely did not miss. The higher resolution screen of the D90 is so blickwinkelunabh?ngig that he is just as suitable for ?berkopfaufnahmen or photos from the frog's perspective.
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